Twitter continuously leads the way as a successful social media platform for businesses, but let’s face it – the one major difference between Twitter and other social media sites such as Facebook, is the length of posts you are allowed to Tweet. For some users, this has helped simplify things when creating a post – allowing them to Tweet info that is direct and uncomplicated. However for many – the 140 character limit can be particularly frustrating, especially when you feel you’ve got a lot more to say.
Recently it has come to light that hidden within Twitter’s Android app is a “Tweetstorm” feature, allowing users to post what can be seen as a thread of tweets continuing on from a discussion or theme. To do this you simply need to post a tweet, and then continue to post replies to keep the thread going.
The screenshots depicting the “Tweetstorm” were posted by a Twitter user under the false name of Devesh Logendran. After being tweeted by The Next Web’s Social Media Director Matt Navarra, the images have since gone viral and are now trending across major tech news sites. The pictures show the posts split up as individual tweets posted as a thread, with the end showing a longer “tweet count”.
So, should Twitter make plans to scrap their current character limit? Does this current restriction put off those new to Twitter? Or do shorter posts help businesses get more direct messages across to their audiences?
Despite being largely talked about across the world of web, Twitter has refused to make a statement on the finding of the feature. So keep your eyes peeled and hopefully in the near future the adjustment will be made usuable on all of Twitter’s mobile platforms. In the meantime, users will have to look to Storm It on Android and iOS to create Tweetstorms of their own.